Establishing the Foundation for Coaching
As we begin our coaching process, it’s important for us to understand how you view the world, yourself, your level of well-being, how you feel about the relationships in your life, and your career or lifework. Each person is unique and understanding you will help us support and assist you.
Please set aside some quiet time and answer these questions clearly and thoughtfully. The more you can tune into yourself and tap into what you think and feel, the more successful this process will be in supporting you to achieve what would truly fulfill you. You may find these questions will help you clarify perceptions about yourself and the direction of your life. These are “pondering” type questions, designed to stimulate your thinking in a way that will make our work together more productive. Take your time answering them, there are no right or wrong answers, and your answers may change over time. These answers will be treated with complete professional confidentiality.